A Crucial Piece of My Own Healing Shared
* Please note I am not a psychologist. Please consult with a psychologist to address the cause of nervous system dysregulation.
These tools are what I use when I feel myself slipping into disassociation or freeze. They are also helpful when I can't shake a mood that seems to be plaguing me, or I get angry or overwhelmed.
My hope is that these may help someone else. They may not work for you, but I hope they do!
Listening to Bilateral Sounds or music with headphones on
Listening to an empowering playlist and singing along out loud. One of my personal favorite songs for the ladies "I Am Woman", It's music and affirmations!
Tapping, especially the Eyebrow points (helpful for trauma and frustration) and the Under the Eye points (helpful for nervousness, anxiety, fear)
An ice pack on the face to help calm the nervous system
Box Breathing (see blog post about breathing through anxiety)
Moving your body - through walking, or one of my favorites, turn the music up and dance around the kitchen
Play - enjoy play like you were a child again, laugh and take in the littlest things
Breathing into the Ho'oponopono Prayer
Grounding - walking barefoot on the ground for a minimum of 15 minutes
This is not a complete list, but these have all worked successfully for me. Wishing you all the best!